The Health Scientist Podcast

Ep.43 Austin Baraki: Sarcopenia, muscle loss and how to age well

Dr. Austin Baraki is an Assistant Professor of Medicine, a practicing Internal Medicine Physician, competitive powerlifter, and strength coach located in San Antonio, Texas. He completed his undergraduate degree in Chemistry at the College of William & Mary, his doctorate in medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School, and Internal Medicine Residency at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. His interests include medical education, the application of strength training in the context of complex medical conditions, sarcopenia, pain neuroscience & rehabilitation, and clinical lipidology.

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In this episode we cover:

  • Austin's background in medicine and powerlifting and how he incorporates them
  • What is sarcopenia and why is it important from a health perspective?
  • When does muscle loss tend to start and in people and when does it begin to have effects on quality of life?
  • What are some of the causes behind sarcopenia?
  • What is anabolic resistance and how does it alter the effects of exercise and protein on muscle growth and maintenance
  • How can time in hospital or nursing homes speed up the development of sarcopenia
  • How much protein is needed to stimulate muscle growth and how does that change as we age?
  • How does muscle loss affect frailty and how can that affect quality of life dramatically
  • What's the relationship between sarcopenia, inflammation, diabetes and heart disease?
  • What are some of the strategies for reversing or preventing sarcopenia in older adults
  • What are the difficulties in implementing diet and exercise changes in older adults.
  • What are some of the behaviour change strategies that can be used to help people make lifestyle changes
  • The importance of knowing more about an individual's situation in order to give more important recommendations
  • What are some of the key ways to encourage people to make changes
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