The Health Scientist Podcast

Ep.12 Astrid Naranjo: The pressure to diet and unique insights for working with women

Astrid Naranjo, otherwise known as the Antidiet_dietitian is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) originally from Venezuela but now practicing in Southport Private Hospital, Australia. Astrid has a masters degree in Nutrition and Dietetic Practice from Bond University, Gold Coast. Astrid has experience across a wide range of areas ( bariatric surgery, fitness, weight loss, clinical and sports nutrition, eating disorders) and has a deep interest in research and evidence based practice.

Astrid's mission as a professional is to become a recognized Dietitian offering an evidence-based, holistic, customized and professional nutritional approach to her audience on social media and patients, helping them to become and achieve a healthier and better versions of themselves.

Astrid is also an Instagram post designer, translating evidence-based research into practical advice for both Layne Norton and Holly Baxter.

Astrid's Instagram

Astrid's Twitter

In this episode we cover:

  • Astrid's reason for getting into nutrition and dietetics
  • The pressures on men and women to achieve society's definitions of beauty
  • The difficulty and importance of establishing healthy relationships with food
  • The hormonal intricacies of the menstrual cycle
  • How hormonal changes can affect stress tolerance and even appetite
  • Considerations when programming nutrition for female clients
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